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Things to be Done for Bone Fracture Healing
There are many situations in which we need to be careful to increase the healing rate of our broken bones. First of all, the patient should have adequate and balanced nutrition. Our bones are one of the rare organs in our body that can repair themselves. The healing process of these bones develops due to many different conditions. The healing process of the bones is due to blood circulation. For this reason, we should consume healthy foods that will help our blood circulation and stop smoking. In addition, other drugs and inflammation in the fracture site may adversely affect fracture healing. Studies have shown that the consumption of flavonoids in lycopene, parsley, blueberry, black tea, cocoa and peanut in fish oil, carrot and tomato has an important role in healing fractures.
Considerations After Knee Surgery
On the second day of surgery, the patient should start knee bending and muscle strengthening exercises. Although the patient can move freely after the 10th day of surgery, the patient should be very careful and never remove the bandage and stocking from the knee. In case of prolonged redness and inflammation at the incision site after surgery and pain that lasts long, infection should be suspected.
Fractures and cracks caused by impacts
Severe impacts may result in some fractures and cracks in the bones. If the bone does not rise above the skin and does not show itself, it is a closed fracture. In open fractures, the broken bone pierces the skin and exits the skin. The possibility of microbes and inflammation in the open fractures increases.